Friday, February 22, 2013

Physical Therapy Specialists NJ

If you are seriously injured, it is important to take all of the necessary steps in order to heal correctly. You need to find the best physical therapy specialists in NJ to help guide you on your road to recovery. North Jersey Brain and Spine Center is the largest neurosurgical group practice in Bergen County and offers physical therapy regarding neck and back disorders.

Our NJ physical therapy specialists are all McKenzie certified. This allows our therapists to use a more hands on technique to relieve patients of their pain. We have assisted patients through many painful conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis and muscle strains. We have much training in rehabilitation and post-surgical conditions. Some of these include spinal decompression, microdisectomy, laminectomy and spinal fusion.

When you visit our physical therapy clinic, you will work one on one with our expert therapists. They provide you with the care and attention that is needed to assist you on your recovery. This also allows your therapist access to any reports or notes from your surgeries and doctor appointments, helping them to understand and alleviate your condition as quickly as possible.

You will be appointed to the same therapist for all of your appointments which are booked in one hour installments. If additional time is required, we will add 30 minute installments to give the patient the full care that they need.

We provide our patients with all of the latest equipment and technology to help for a good recovery. We are one of the only clinics to use the revolutionary Spinal Force equipment that increases muscle growth and minimizes pain.  For more information on our physical therapy specialists in NJ, call 201-342-2550.

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